June 30th, 1982



Laser Image

" A frenetic ballet of luminous circles and clouds.."

Laser Cloud Image

Accompanying the music by Pink Floyd or Strauss


Light,Colors, Enchantment!

Marcos Augusto

Gávea's Planetarium in Rio de Janeiro

When the lights of the Planetarium are turned off, the young assistance, eager for the visual promised by the Cosmic Laser Concert, is taken by an undisguised excitement. For a few seconds, little cries, howlings and jokes preceed the show. The adequate atmosphere is created. For half and hour the public is faced with a frenetic ball of circles, clouds, sprinkles, etc., brought to life by a sophisticated laser equipment.

A note from the promoters says: the show is "alive", that is, the effects are produced during the show by an american operator, following the suggestions of a "sound-track" that ranges from Pink Floyd to the Blue Danubio Waltz. Dex Gocha, the operator, take turns with the Brazilian Soraya Bittencourt. He is also the director of the show and commands it according to the public's will who applaudes when they want bis. No doubt there is a certain confusion, eventhough, during most of the allucination, everybody, curiously, demonstrate an unsuspected tuning.

The Cosmic Laser Concer is a show specially made for planetarium spaces. The promoter of the show, the Venezuelan Willy Feliu, explains that the dome of these spaces allow for a depht illusion that a "square" space would not comprise. A show similar to the one in Rio - and shall, in a few months reach São Paulo - is being exhibited in Los Angeles, New York, Washington and London Planetariums. Without further intent, the Cosmic Laser Concert is worth even for its expressed inutility, what in the end, places us in front of the pure and uninsterested pleasure of just watching.

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